Monday, April 19, 2010

السوق الكويتي أعطى اليوم أكثر من إشارة خروج:

1) كسر خط الترند الصغير - باللون الوردي

2) كسر خط الترند الكبير - باللون الرمادي

3) كسر خط المتوسط الحدي الـ 50 (باللون الأزرق)

4) وجود ما يسمى بـالـ
ما بين المؤشر والماكد

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The S&P When I Started

I'm now planing to start buying stocks at any time because IBD is giving a confirmed signal of uptrend market. This is the chart of the S&P now:


My name is Raed Jeraq. I'm from Kuwait and have passion for stock trading. I'm interested Kuwait and US stock markets, but my focus on the US stock market. This post is meant to be merely a log book for my stock buying and selling. I will also paste some charts for stocks I'm asked to comment on.

This post is meant only for education and logging purposes. It is NOT meant for buying or selling recommendations.